Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Pay Attention"

I was very interested in the video "Pay Attention" because I never really thought about such a create style of learning. I believe that since technology is being modernized so should our way of teaching. Everything is changing around us and rather than trying to preserve the past we should embrace the future. I believe that children are more interested in what is now rather than what used to be before they were even born so we should use that to our advantage as teachers. We need to stop complaining about the "youth of our generation" and how they don't understand what it was like before we had technology but really adults of our generation were children once and at that time adults were probably thinking the same thing.

I was very impacted by the statistics of how much technology we use as well as the amount that a child uses. Something that intrigued me was how we could use technology to our advantage in the classroom such as texting or emailing. An example of using technology to learn is using this blog for my IT 365 class! Another point is that if you cannot beat them, join them. Students are going to try to use anything and everything technology while in school so we might as well take advantage of that. This makes students think in such a different way. It also makes them enjoy school rather than resenting it.

Technology will have a place in my classroom in the future. I will not depend only on technology but I believe there are plenty of ways to use it in a way to get students interested. I will personally have to learn how to use technology to a greater extent in order to impact my children.


  1. I was also surprised at the statistics. It's true that technology is being used a lot by the younger school aged children. When I saw my 7 year old nephew using my desktop computer by himself I was shocked. I was trying to figure out when and where did he learn to use a computer.

  2. Kids are learning how to use technology so early their lives. Technology is always changing so it would be fun to use it in the classrooms.
